adventure Artist Alley fantasy romance

OtherRealm Studio

OtherRealm Studio image

Stories, Art and Artifacts from Strange and Beautiful Worlds

SoulBound comic series

SoulBound is a ten issue comic series about Becca, a college student thrown from the world she’s always known into a realm of magic, myth… and monsters. There, she finds perils greater than she’s ever faced – and a love greater than she ever imagined. Though much in this world is beautiful and strange, she must find a way to return home, or risk losing herself in the void between realms – forever.

Amazon Author Page for Kindle ebooks


Richard’s Comics & Collectables

Richard’s Comics & Collectables image

Richard’s Comics & Collectables carries a large assortment of new issues and offers a competitive discount for our regular subscribers, depending upon the number of regular titles that you subscribe to. It’s a great way to get the titles you want at a reduced price, so stop by and ask about it!

Our extensive inventory of back issues is constantly changing, from our stock of $1.00 books to key issues for serious collectors.

Also we carry a variety of gaming cards; Magic, Heroclix, Horror Clix , Pirates game from Neca, and the Star Wars Miniatures game.

Original artwork is also available to purchase, ranging from original published pages, splashes, and covers, and original strips from dailies and Sundays.

We also carry a selection of autographed photos, ranging from sci-fi, movies, and television of some of your favorite celebrities.

Please drop by and look around!!

action superhero


Heroineburgh image

Heroineburgh is an original live-action video download series (digital) and a comic book series (physical), based in a fantastical version of Pittsburgh, PA. Cover art by Jason Wright of DC Comics (Metal Men, Green Lantern). It’s campy action, adventure, drama and romance…all in the finest spandex and capes!
