Vendor Info

IndieGen.XYZ will be a family-friendly virtual convention space with something for everyone. We’re prioritizing all-ages/G-rated content to begin with, so if you have a comic, game, book, or web series that fits, you are likely to be listed earlier.

The idea is to have something for everyone, though, so if your work is for mature audiences, you can still apply.

You need to have your own website. IndieGen.XYZ is intended to make your site easy to find with an attractive, informative listing tagged with the genres, maturity ratings, media, etc. that you have to offer. I also have an option for you to include your general location so that if you have a retail store, shoppers can plan to visit you in person, and if you are a creator, stores looking to feature local talent can find you. I’ll be interpreting “local” loosely – if your artist is in one state while you reside in another, or if you live in a state other than your home state, feel free to list them both, especially if you can still make personal appearances at any retailers to help sell your work.

You can have a special landing page set aside for visitors from IndieGen.XYZ, or you can just use your regular home page. Either way, your site must follow some best business practices to be accepted for listing:

*Have finished work available

*Have prices clearly displayed

*Have a functioning checkout

*Accurately and attractively represent your items

*Deliver promptly

Just like at an in-person convention, you can’t have X-rated material displayed on your table, so please keep your landing page for visitors from IndieGen.XYZ clean. Whatever you do with the rest of your site is up to you, but I will not link directly to inappropriate content.

I will be entering your listing information and booth picture by hand, taking care that you can be found in the search and that your picture and listed offerings look enticing to visitors. Please be prepared to offer those visitors a great experience!

Application Form

IndieGen.XYZ is free for you to apply and list, and free for visitors to browse. We are not handling your payments or taking any fees. However, we need your support! Tell everyone you know about this site and how awesome it will be to discover unique entertainment by talented original creators! Use #IndieGenXYZ in your posts, mention us on your site or channel, get people excited about shining a light on independently generated entertainment. And if you’d like to contribute financially to paying the website developer (who’s customizing all the fabulous searchability to help visitors find you) or keeping the lights – and the hosting plan – on, please see the Indiegogo campaign.