Genre: superhero
Heroineburgh is an original live-action video download series (digital) and a comic book series (physical), based in a fantastical version of Pittsburgh, PA. Cover art by Jason Wright of DC Comics (Metal Men, Green Lantern). It’s campy action, adventure, drama and romance…all in the finest spandex and capes!

Mike Harris

Dark Titan Entertainment

Ideal Comics

Silverline Comics


Adam Lane Smith

New Age Ninja Corps

RAGS A story about PTSD, Pants and Zombie plague. Regina Ragowski, Nickname is Reggie, is a survivor in California’s zombie plague trying to find clothing after a series of circumstances has left her without food, shelter, weapons and most importantly, Clothing! As she struggles to find some semblance of safety, she finds herself having to pair up with the only other person who understands her. Except he’s the biggest douchebag on the planet.

Stephen J. Mitchell